安全祈願の御札を返納してきました♪ I have returned the safety prayer cards♪(2023.10.14)

休日にぶらりと・・・東京大神宮へ! Wandering around on a holiday ... to Tokyo Daijingu Shrine!
In June 2023, we closed the Suzuka Sales Office.
Every year, Mr. Sawai, the chairman, and several employees of this sales office had gone to Ise Jingu Shrine to pray for safety,
This year, however, the staff decided to return the previous year's talismans to the Tokyo Daijingu Shrine, a shrine affiliated with the Suzuka office.
On Saturday, a holiday, Morimoto and Shimazu of the management staff visited the shrine. This shrine is said to be dedicated to the god of marriage, and for some reason all the people around us were women. Two men in their 40s and 60s got along well with each other and prayed for safety.
It was a very stimulating holiday. On the way home, we enjoyed Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki.
